Tag Archives: Backups

Chronosync backup when drive plugged in with applescript

Firstly excuse the extremely uncreative title of this post but I have been working all day and my creativity levels are a little on the uncreative side at this stage of the day.
At the studios we have couple of different backup systems running to DLT and LTO tapes plus some offsite drives that we use for disaster recovery. After struggling with massive issues with the latest version of retrospect for mac and the horrible support we decided to move to Chronosync which has been fantastic.
One thing that we wanted to do was automatically run a backup when we connected a particular offsite backup drive. I managed to get this to work by running an applescript in automater whenever a new drive was added using folder actions.

When new drives are added to OSX they are mounted in the /Volumes folder which you can’t normally access in finder. To get around this you can create a symlink in the terminal by typing:

ln -s /Volumes/ ~/vol-link

this will create a link named “vol-link” in your home folder that points to the Volumes folder.

Then open automater in the applications folder and chose “folder action” from the start up screen

On the top you can choose the folder that will perform an action if a file or folder is added to it.
In here choose your vol-link.

Drag across the “Run AppleScript” action form the left and then add the AppleScript code from below

Note that you will have to change the volume names and path of your Chronosync container document and you can modify this script to work with more drives or less.

Save your workflow and that’s it.

We also have our backups stored in an encrypted disk image so have set the last document in the container to eject the image when it’s finished. The script then ejects the drive

Any questions or comments let me know

set VolumeName1 to "OffsiteBackUP1"
set VolumeName2 to "OffsiteBackUP2"

if volumeMounted(VolumeName1) = 1 then
		tell application "ChronoSync"
			open alias "HD RAID:Users:serverhomedir:Documents:Offsite Backup 2.csyn"
			tell document 1 to Synchronize
			--hold on 'till the sync is complete
			repeat while syncStatus of document 1 is not 0
			end repeat
			tell document 1 to save
			tell document 1 to close
		end tell
	end try
	delay (5)
	tell application "Finder"
		eject disk VolumeName1
	end tell
	if volumeMounted(VolumeName2) = 1 then
			tell application "ChronoSync"
				open alias "HD RAID:Users:serverhomedir:Documents:Chronosync Offsite Scripts:Offsite Backups.csyn"
				tell document 1 to Synchronize
				--hold on 'till the sync is complete
				repeat while syncStatus of document 1 is not 0
				end repeat
				tell document 1 to save
				tell document 1 to close
			end tell
		end try
		delay (5)
		tell application "Finder"
			eject disk "VolumeName2"
		end tell
	end if
end if

on volumeMounted(VolumeName)
	tell application "Finder"
		if (exists disk VolumeName) then
			return 1
			return 0
		end if
	end tell
end volumeMounted